AI Assets Holding Limited (AIAHL) is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) formed by
Government of India incorporated on, 22nd January 2018 and having registered office at
2nd Floor, AI Administration Building, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110003
-Authorized Share Capital and Paid up Share Capital of Rs. 70,000 Crores and Rs. 62965.45 Crores respectively - 100% owned by President of India.
Objectives of the SPV in the Memorandum of Association (MOA)
- to acquire from Air India Ltd. its shares held in the 4 subsidiaries;
- to acquire non-core assets, paintings, artifacts and other non-operational assets;
- accumulated working capital loans not backed by assets and other assets / liabilities or of its subsidiaries as may be decided by Air India / Govt. of India.